Lauren the Oracle Channel
The Peace and Calm Mom Podcast has evolved into Lauren the Oracle Channel. For those of you who have been here since the beginning, thank you. I'm your host, Lauren, a spiritual Oracle on this wild ride to uncover The Truth of Who I Am determined to seek the Truth Within and learn all I can from Earth School. I am a storyteller who is here to share the Truth through our collective stories and experiences. I may lose my train of thought mid-channel and babble on for way too long and include it all in the episode but I am in Service to the Truth that wants to move through me in this space because I am real and raw. So come take a perch, be ready for a laugh, open your heart and let's wake up together inhaling courage, exhaling fear and remembering to be CALM!
Lauren the Oracle Channel
Episode 18: all we can do is try
Today's episode I share about imposter syndrome, about mom guilt, about how privilege plays into all of that. I chat about self care and how that can look for the busy mom. I had originally recorded this episode in my car about privilege and acknowledging all that it brought but due to quality of the recording and the true meaning of the message being lost, I had to actually sit down and record this episode.
I do not have life all figured out, I am not always "Peace and Calm" but I am trying and working towards understanding and being a kinder person and at the end of the day, that's all we can do. We can try our best to change, to heal, to be kind humans, to understand and acknowledge where we are on the journey of life and be careful not to discount someone else's journey because it is theirs and it is sacred.
I am so honored to share my voice and my heart with you each week and this is no exception so thank you for returning each week and for being here wherever you may be on your own journey!
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To follow the Peace and Calm Mom journey head on over to IG: